Charles Lindsay Wilson, Ph. D., is the founder of the WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER® LLC. He is pictured here December of 2013 presenting the WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER® LLC concept at the UN FAO Save Food Partnership Meeting in Rome, Italy. Dr. Wilson has been conducting research in the field of postharvest food preservation for more than 40 years. During his career with universities and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, he has hosted a number of young scientists from the developing world in his laboratory. These scientists visited for a year or more and returned to their native countries to establish their own independent research, education, and extension programs. This is seen as a model for each "Sister" University for the WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER® LLC that is unique and more sustainable in reducing world hunger than programs that require the continual input of experts from the developed world.
In establishing the WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER® at "Sister" Universities, Dr. Wilson has consulted leading international experts in the field of postharvest food preservation including Dr. Lisa Kitinoja, Founder, Postharvest Education Foundation; Dr. Ken S. Marsh, President, Kenneth S Marsh Associates, Ltd.; Mr. Gage Williams, Chairman, West County Renewables Ltd, UK; Dr Shanthi Wilson Wijeratnam, Team Leader - CIDA-IDRC Collaborative Project, Industrial Technology Institute, Sri Lanka; Dr. Tatiana Koutchma, Leader of Food Preservation Group, Guelph Food Research Center, Canada; Professor Neeta Sharma, Lucknow University, India; Professor Hongyin Zhang, College of Food and Biological Engineering, Zhenjiang, China; Professors Eli Fallik and Samir Droby, Department of Postharvest Science, Volcani Center, Israel; Dr. Edo Chalutz, Executive Director of BARD, Israel; and Dr. Michael E. Wisniewski, USDA, Agricultural Research Service; Dr. Martin Lo, President, BioIntelliPro, USA: Dr. Nigel Banks, Executive Director, Postharvest Co. Limited, New Zealand; Professor Larry Murdock, Department of Entomology, Purdue University; Dr. Mekbib Hilegebrile Seife, Nutrition Specialist at Mercy Crops, Ethiopia. ProfessorWasim Siddiqui, Bihar Agricultural University, Department of Food Science and Post-Harvest Technology, India; The late Professor Adel Kader from the University of California was very helpful in the early stages of establishing the WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER LLC® and he is sorely missed by his students and the academic community.
Key advisors and helpers in this effort have been Miriam Williams Wilson, President of Rocky River Publishers LLC and Chief Operations Officer of theWORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER LLC® and Charles William Wilson, Research Editor and Adjunct Professor at CUNY University in New York, who has written two books on food issues, one that became a New York Times bestseller.
Two publications proposing the establishment of a WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER® LLC are on line at:
WILSON, C.. Establishment of a World Food Preservation Center: Concept, Need, and Opportunity. Journal of Post-Harvest Technology, UAE, 1, Oct. 2013. Available at: Date accessed: 29 Dec. 2013.
A non-profit 501 (c) (3) WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION EDUCATION FOUNDATIONhas been established to provide scholarships and research funds to students attending the "Sister" Universities of the WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER®LLC. A number of highly-qualified students from developing countries have applied to enter the WFPC® LLC program to pursue a world-class M.S. and Ph.D. postharvest degree and need scholarship and research funds. In leading the "Food Preservation Revolution" TM the WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER®LLC plans to help educate an army of students and postharvest scientists from developing countries that will upon graduation return to their home country and establish programs that will have a major impact on reducing postharvest food losses and diminishing world hunger. Graduates from the "Sister" Universities of the WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER®LLC are familiar with the postharvest problems of their native country and are highly motivated to solve them. Any financial help you can provide for these postharvest scientists to receive their M.S. and Ph.D degrees and to fund their research will be greatly appreciated.
GrainPro, Inc. and the WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER® LLC have signed a cooperative agreement to work toward developing and applying biologically-based technologies for the postharvest preservation of dry foods in developing countries. The mission of GrainPro, Inc. 'a green not only for profit company ' is to contribute to the reduction of postharvest losses of dry agricultural commodities in developing countries by developing, manufacturing, selling, and promoting green and affordable products worldwide. GrainPro, Inc., a member of the Alliance to End Hunger, is headquartered in Concord, Massachusetts with sales offices in India, Kenya, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Brazil and Mexico. GrainPro partners with a vast network of international distributors to distribute its drying and storage solutions. GrainPro works closely with governments, development organizations, NGOs and the private sector to train smallholder farmers and to develop new innovations to improve global food security.
Maersk Container Industry has endorsed the WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER® LLC and invites others to join them. The WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER® LLC welcomes additional corporate sponsors that understand the importance of reducing postharvest losses of food in developing countries and how this effort can substantially reduce world hunger. The WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER LLC®'s sustainable program invests in young people in developing countries whose accomplishments in reducing postharvest food losses in their countries will grow and continue generationally.
CRC Press (Taylor & Francis) Signs Cooperative Agreement with World Food Preservation Center LLC®
In recognition of the importance of reducing postharvest losses of food worldwide, the need to expand graduate postharvest programs, and to create new textbooks on the postharvest preservation of food that is lost, the World Food Preservation Center® LLC and CRC Press, are partnering to produce together the World Food Preservation Center Book Series.
The World Food Preservation Center Book Series consists of edited texts and reference books addressing postharvest food loss problems especially in developing countries. Classical postharvest biology and technology will be covered with applications for developing countries in the harvesting, storage, transport, and marketing of food. New technologies for the preservation of food in developing countries will be explored including solar refrigeration, non-thermal processing, active and intelligent packaging, biological control, solar drying, hermetic storage, food safety, vertical agriculture, food export, and gender issues. The books will be aimed at professional food scientists, academicians researching postharvest food problems, and graduate level students.
AIPIA supports The WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTER® LLC's mission of providing a world-class education to young scientists in developing countries in advanced technologies for food preservation and to conduct research on postharvest food preservation technologies especially adapted for developing countries, such as solar refrigeration, biological control, and active and intelligent packaging.